Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kristalnacht and German Propoganda

Kristalnacht "The Night of Broken Glass"

Kristalnacht "Chrystal Night" was the burning of all Synagogues in Germany on November 9th, 1938. Hitler, the chancellor blames all of Germanys problems on the Jews and says they are behind our enemies. They were also blamed for the loss of WWI. Hitler and the Nazis gradually spread hate and anti-semetism throughout Germany. Before Kristalnacht, Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda expert orders a country-wide boycott of Jewish buisiness in 1933, Kristalnacht is just the peak of anger that destroyed over 1,000 Synagogues and killed 2,500Jews. Kristalnacht was just an expansion of the boycott of 1933, just on a much wider scale, protesting Jews were sent to concentration camps.

Nazi propaganda told the population that the Jews had actually only been moved to a different location, IT also reinforced Nazis position of power by portraying Hitler as the savior of Germany, it showed communists/Jews as being the source of every problem and people, not recognizing Hitler's danger, went along with it and the boycott caused huge economic loss. Jews were portrayed as fat andcorrupt, Hitler sent his political enemies to Dachau and also sent 30,000 Jews to concentration camps, still maintaining his shield of propaganda Hitler releases them from 1936-1939. This sent a message to Jews that they were not wanted in Germany and most tried to leave, few would succeed.

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