Sunday, May 29, 2011

This I Believe (Seth)

Peace on Earth

I believe in global peace, but peace starts with individuals and then the house and community. Eventually it will spread to the cities , countries and eventually the world. Think about it, a world without famine and civil strife, a world without hunger and war and terrorism, this is what I believe. I believe in our community to start with peace, there are many different things that could make peace within the community of my school and city. I will start with school! Some days in the International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) I see bullying, taunting or even racism, and it is because of this that I believe in global and community, but there are many things that are very good like peer helpers, friends and charity runs that can achieve peace within the school community.

I had some problems with bullying. For example in the school year of 2009-2010 there was a kid named Jakob who decided he wanted to be cool and to achieve this he picked on other kids, so in climbing me and one of my friends were measuring out these pieces of plastic chain to hook onto some poles to make a fence of a sort. It seems embarrassing and insignificant now but here comes Jakob and he shakes them off and cuts one link and pulls the two pieces apart and punches me in the chest when I told him he should not break something someone was working on, and, you know the rest. This is just one of many examples of bullying at my school and I believe in peace so for school we should tell people what is not nice and you don’t like it, Stop people stealing from lockers, Stop racism and include others in your games, groups, conversations, and friendships. This will help achieve peace within the school and in turn the community.
Peace within the community will probably always be hard in a multi-cultural and multi-racial community and so you will probably need at least three different groups of people working for peace already for it to become an idea, then a motivation. As this motivation spreads more and more people start working for it and the more likely it is for people to join and slowly it will go from school communities at peace to the city community. One example of this in my community are people who are the charity and give many different things from pencils for their school to food, water and medicine. Sometimes they even adopt orphans or build a community shelter for refugees from Burma and such.
I was in math and we were having a competition on who could bring the most goods for the chin refugees [From Burma] and whoever won went to their school to meet the refugees. My class won and so when we went there and the first thing I noticed were children running and playing inside an apartment where they were schooled. This made me think that they were at peace and safe in the knowledge that their country could not hurt them anymore. You can make a contribution to my petition and I beg you to do so by giving away something you don’t need, giving food and water, recycling and by giving vaccines and medicine to those in need.
As peace take hold in the community I think we should look outwards towards other communities and if what I believe happens then we will find other communities doing the same thing and then what started as an echo would then become a roar for peace very quickly and when we achieve peace between communities that could if used the right way can make peace between countries.
When a country is peaceful that inspires peace to others and if this process is repeated then another country will be at peace and as they make peace with others and help make peace in a country, it will spread like a wildfire in Australia and it will be seen globally as the coming of peace, and that roar will become so loud that when there is silence afterwards that will be the true coming of peace and this is why I believe in global peace.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kristalnacht and German Propoganda

Kristalnacht "The Night of Broken Glass"

Kristalnacht "Chrystal Night" was the burning of all Synagogues in Germany on November 9th, 1938. Hitler, the chancellor blames all of Germanys problems on the Jews and says they are behind our enemies. They were also blamed for the loss of WWI. Hitler and the Nazis gradually spread hate and anti-semetism throughout Germany. Before Kristalnacht, Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda expert orders a country-wide boycott of Jewish buisiness in 1933, Kristalnacht is just the peak of anger that destroyed over 1,000 Synagogues and killed 2,500Jews. Kristalnacht was just an expansion of the boycott of 1933, just on a much wider scale, protesting Jews were sent to concentration camps.

Nazi propaganda told the population that the Jews had actually only been moved to a different location, IT also reinforced Nazis position of power by portraying Hitler as the savior of Germany, it showed communists/Jews as being the source of every problem and people, not recognizing Hitler's danger, went along with it and the boycott caused huge economic loss. Jews were portrayed as fat andcorrupt, Hitler sent his political enemies to Dachau and also sent 30,000 Jews to concentration camps, still maintaining his shield of propaganda Hitler releases them from 1936-1939. This sent a message to Jews that they were not wanted in Germany and most tried to leave, few would succeed.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Dominant Profile

I usually work best under a mild form of pressure. The reason I procrastinate for a while is because it builds up stress and I use that stress like energy, usually making my work a little bit better. In class I could probably use being called on every so often just to make sure that I am paying attention because even I have notice that my attention has been divided between focusing and certain distractions. Not mentioning any names. I usually only do well when I have a big motivation to do it because it is fun, so right we are doing the holocaust and WWII, I already know most of this stuff so what I think could help me do better is act some scenes from books, movies and passages from a textbook even.

I really need focus my attention away from people and entertainment, to study and friendship. My major problem is Humanities, most of my close friends and more distant ties are in that class and provide a huge distraction. I need a quiet area in every class like in math or else my grades will slip badly in all classes. I have have fallen into the same cycle as last year; earlier than last year also. I also need to make some reforms on my work habits. I usually procrastinate to create pressure but there are other ways, less risky like asking you dad to grille you about whether or not you have done your homework. OBviously not the case currently but a good way to ensure you don't 'Forget.' as I would like to call it.

A good strategy for me, mentioned earlier would be to be called on to answer a question periodically. If I haven't been listening then that creates a tight spot for me, quickly ensuring that I am listening at all times and am actually learning. I could use plays as a potential way to learn also, successful in the past this could reinforce already learned material. A Socratic circle could also set concrete in steel and with that I could use almost any strategies from my learning styles. I am all three major styles blended into one. With this knowledge almost nothing should be to challenging because I can think of multiple ways to solve problems, physically or mentally.

I would like my teachers to know that I always need some kind of motivation and my motivation is bipolar, swinging from really high motivation to astronomically low motivation, knowing this I hope that you now know how to teach me better and to direct my mental attention.