Thursday, September 2, 2010

10 Things Important To Me

With a book, a video, birthday cards, a planner, an American flag, a snow globe, coins, sunglasses, and a guitar, I think I have just about summarized myself.
I chose a book because I spend most of my free time reading, and also because I don’t have to many alternatives. It shows that I like fiction or alternate realities. One of my favorite books and most recent books is called The Red Pyramid and is by the same author of the Percy Jackson series. What really got me hooked into this genre was when my older brother read Eragon aloud to me. [when I was younger.] I had always disliked reading but my older kept on saying “Once you start, you can’t stop!” and he was right. He read the first two chapters of Eragon and all of the sudden I was racing through books that I thought had sounded stupid before, and some were but most were even better than the last. My older brother really set me off and I still am reading anything I can.
I have a video game as one of them because like most boys, we really like video games. I chose this because it was a gift from my brothers who knew I was researching WWII. When they gave that game I was really happy because not only had they given me a gift but it was something that helped me with my research about WWII [especially tattics] I got interested about it when I saw Saving Private Ryan and realized just how bad war is. I had always thought war was cool before, that they were just playing with blank rounds and faking death. Know I know its worse, much worse than that and that is what got me going. To start I read band of brothers, and citizen soldiers which are accurate recounts told by WWII veterans. I got Band of Brothers [T.V. show] for my birthday this year and that is very accurate.
I placed Sun glasses as one because it shows that I like the outdoors and enjoy challenges. These also mean a lot to because I went through many challenges including Malaysia Week[MW], Mt. Kinabalu, Slim river White Water Rafting, and relaxing on the beach. It has survived from beaches to vertical cliffs on Kinabalu to volcanic craters in New Zealand. These sun glasses are important because more than just playing or hiking. These sunglasses have come to symbolise what I love. The outdoors: the ocean, mountains, forests, and my favorite: glaciers. These have been all over and they symbolise my love for the outdoors.
There are some birthday cards in the picture above and I chose them because my family means a lot to me. It also shows that my family thinks the same of me. I value these all the more because I only see my uncles, aunts, great-aunts, great-uncles, and cousins once a year. This also makes me think about them a lot and I think that’s because last year my grandad died of disease and my grandma had a stroke last Summer. I have had a lot of relatives die lately and to tell the truth I have been pretty sad for the last year and maybe that is what made me value my family and friends so much in the last year.
I have a miniature American flag in the picture because I am proud to be part of that country. It shows that I am American. I always think of myself as a little patriotic but that might just be me and this brought back the memory of the 4th of July celebration in the U.S. and launching fireworks with flags built onto them. I remember the hot dogs and hamburgers along with a big firework going off on the ground and sending everyone running, which was really funny. The events leading up to that firework going off on the ground were pretty funny also. In the U.S. its illegal to set off fireworks within the city limit but this police officer didn’t know that so he came up trying to confiscate our fireworks and started writing a ticket but my uncle dug up some book telling what was legal and not [don’t ask] and proved him wrong. He looked at us and he just smiled and his entire face went bright red as he walked back to his car and must have been doing 20mph over the speed limit.  :D
There is also a planner in the picture which shows that I care about my school and education. It also shows I go to the International of Kuala Lumpur [ISKL] My planners have meant a lot to me because without them I would be repeating 6th grade because I know that when I forgot to write something down I would never remember the homework. This isn’t the original planner I had obviously but I had started to forget to write in my planner near the end last year and when that happened my grades in humanities, science, band, math, and health dropped to B’s and C’s and an NP in band. Also besides my planner my parents forced me to write my homework and I know that without them I would be repeating 6th grade.
I chose the snow globe up on the picture because it is a gift from my best friend Stefano who live in Quatar. It shows that friendships and Stefano are important to me, even though the Stefano part isn’t obvious. Friendship means a lot more to me than probably a lot of people because to tell the truth I don’t actually have many friendships aside from Dylan, Stefano, Sam, Austin and Amin. I also never forget any detail about them [Stalker!:D] and I know its true because I remember my best 5 year friend who moved when I was 7 years old. Over the course of my life I have had maybe 20 friends and most of them only okay friends I’ve only ever had 5 good friends in my life and that has made me value friends a lot more than the usual person.
I have a guitar and it shows that music is a big part of my life and is very important to me. I have done many different musical instruments in my life and it has gotten even bigger from my dad telling what he likes and suggestions. I’ve played the Piano, Alto Saxophone, and Recorder. I also have a huge library of almost 9,000 songs. [I am a rich cracker!]  It started when I was begging my parents for a guitar when I was a lot younger. After a year they finally bought me a very nice guitar, that was almost 1.5x the size of me at that stage and although I hadn’t understood at that time but everyone except my brothers were laughing hysterically.  
Finally there are the coins in the upper right of the picture which shows I hoard as many souvenirs as possible to remind me of all the trips I have made. mostly I hoard them because of their reminders, but also because at least 40% of them are gifts from relatives who bought them for me. I first started my hoarding when I went to China and saw an approximation of a Chinese coin from the ancient times. I keep them all because as you already know. Family mean a lot to me. My uncle is a major adder to my collection of stones animals, coins, masks, art, and different types of money.
These ten things are the things that define and colour my personality and life.